
Marino Rolfi

Project manager


Son of parents who were both artists at the Politeama Rossetti Theater in Trieste

Triestino, he began his career as a cook and then became a chef. Ambitious, with a great desire to reach the highest levels.

He opens a catering company in Italy that is currently active in the meantime he becomes a cooking consultant and then reaches the goal in 2018 of the highest levels of the profession as Master Chef Trainer.

In 2018 and 2020 (at the time of the Covid 19 epidemic) he published two books entitled "The Chef's Tricks". In this period, i.e. between 2015 and 2019, he collaborates on radio broadcasts, such as “Radio by Andy, in Milan. In the meantime, in 2018, he participated in the show hosted by Antonella Clerici "La Prova del Cuoco". During 2020 he moved to Southampton UK where he embarked on a path that had always been his dream, managing to obtain the title of English journalist, recognized by the English State and Member of the BECTU Order of Journalists.

In Southampton he also began his collaboration with Radio Fiesta 95 FM, before arriving at Radio Awaaz as a radio speaker. As part of the program entitled "Gino in Fiesta", of which he is the author, between music and cooking, he performs as a "cooking show", together with important local personalities, such as the Mayor of Southampton, various political figures and influential managers .

But the highlight of his career came with the opening and foundation of an English TV called FLY TV UK ltd, a television which mainly dealt with food, entertainment, music, radio interviews, assisted from the beginning by the director, post production, graphics management, co -host, program host for FLY TV UK (and beyond), Renato Garbin, met thanks to other Web realities, with whom he still collaborates.

Among the beliefs that made him achieve these goals, in his words: “Every Journalist has his own passion and specialization. Thanks to my perseverance and commitment, not without difficulty, I was able to combine my passion for cooking with that for journalism and communication"...

The Director of FLY TV UK ltd also deals with reviews on the subject of specialized food, visiting kitchens of every environment and type, releasing his comment in the FLYTV UK ltd Magazine as "MARINO CHEF" and, possibly, a mark, which may be an important frieze for the operator, for his business. Finally, the programs to be carried out on this site have recently been established, with all the activities carried out and the various promos for those still to be implemented.

Welcome to the viewing of FLYTV UK ltd, from your Journalist Chef Marino Rolfi and the Staff of Collaborators!!!



Master Chef


Sicurezza sul lavoro


Strategie, normative e opportunita


 Formatori Master Chef


Tesserino Bectu